Read This Before Packing for Your Flight

I’m writing this in the morning while staring at my coffee. According to geniuses on YouTube, waiting 90 minutes after waking up to drink coffee can increase your energy levels…

Only 10 minutes have passed and I’m already craving my coffee, so, looks like I have a rough morning ahead of me 😟

You may have watched my videos on packing light and avoiding checked bags, but how exactly can you do this? Packing is stressful, especially if you're starting the night before.

I'll be honest, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve waited till the night before a trip to start packing…But luckily, I've developed a system that makes the process less painful and allows me to be mobile in less than 10 minutes. All I need to do is pack my clothes and snacks (I like snacks) and I'm ready to go.

Let's dive in!

Have your toiletries pre-packed - Pack all of your toiletries beforehand so that they’re ready to go whenever you are. It’s easy to forget toiletries, but they’re just as important as packing your clothes. Even if your skincare routine isn’t as complex as mine, forgetting a crucial bathroom item can wreak havoc on your peace of mind. Can’t have that! 

"But Andrew, I only have one bottle of my special face serum. What am I going to do when I get home?"

—> Simply buy a second bottle of your serum just for traveling! 

Additional tips for carrying toiletries:

  • Use smaller travel containers - 1 oz bottles don’t take up a lot of space and can last for weeks.

  • Leave your perfume bottles at home. Bring travel-size containers specifically designed for perfume. You can find more information on this in my guide.

messed up face


Pack Your Clothes Properly

I’ve already covered this topic in another article which you can read here.In summary, pack your clothes by rolling them, folding them into cubes, using wrinkle-reducing sprays, or even wearing them out while traveling. 

pack properly


Packing Shoes

When packing shoes, try to limit yourself to 3 pairs. One pair of walking shoes and one pair of sandals. Sandals are lightweight and easy to stuff into your luggage. The third pair can be something fancy. 

Invest in comfortable walking shoes that can handle uneven surfaces like cobblestone. These shoes will be your workhorses and should be worn most of the time.

Also consider bringing a nicer pair of dress shoes or heels. Alternatively, you can get walking shoes that are suitable for both casual strolls and fancy events.

That's it! Shoe packing=DONE.  To save space, don't forget to pack items inside your shoes as well.

Packing Fragile Items

First off, if the item is so fragile that you're worried about packing it, you probably shouldn't bring it at all. Assuming you do need to pack it, wrap the fragile item inside your clothes to create padding.

fragile item


Bring a First Aid Kit!

Anything can happen while traveling…like crashing your scooter into a wall on the way to a ghost tour in San Antonio. True story! I could’ve become a ghost myself…Ha. So, bring a first aid kit with medical supplies. It’s important. Not every ailment requires a hospital visit and medication labels in different languages can be hard to read. Check out this guide on travel medication for more info.

Pack Fewer Clothes

If you're traveling for an extended period of time, you don't need to bring more than 7 outfits. Many locations have low-cost wash-and-fold services, so just do laundry. Worst case scenario, you can buy clothes on site and brag to your friends that you "got this outfit from Peru." How cool is that?

Keep Your Valuables Close

Make sure to keep all the items that you’d be devastated to lose in your carry-on luggage. This includes:

  • Important documents

  • Electronics

  • Toiletries (I’d personally be devastated without my face creams/hair products, but maybe that’s just me) 🤷🏽‍♂️

What tips do you have for packing?

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