Don’t Get On Your Next Flight Without These Items

I returned from San Antonio and enjoyed it greatly. I could easily envision myself visiting again.

Below are some absolutely essential travel accessories that will make your plane ride much better. It doesn’t matter if you’re a frequent flier or only fly once in a blue moon, having the right items at hand can make the experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Apple AirTags: Even if you don't like checking in your luggage like me, sometimes it's unavoidable. Regardless, consider getting Apple AirTags. You’ll have the peace of mind of knowing the exact location of your luggage at all times. Should you lose your luggage, you can easily locate it using the AirTags. These tiny tracking devices can be a real lifesaver!

Noise-Canceling Bluetooth Headphones: I never go anywhere without my noise-canceling headphones; I use them to listen to music, watch movies, and block out the sounds of babies crying and annoying people. Having a pair of noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones is one of the best ways to make your flight more peaceful. 🧘🏽‍♀️

Compression Socks: Sitting for long periods of time on a plane isn’t good for your legs- especially at high altitudes. Wearing compression socks can reduce the risk of developing blood clots due to lack of blood flow. Link


Dramamine: Pack some Dramamine in your bag to help avoid motion sickness🤮. Even if you don't usually suffer from motion sickness, it can happen to anyone at any time so it's best to be prepared.

Wet Wipes: Planes can often be quite dirty, so it's a good idea to bring wet wipes or hand sanitizer to clean your hands and the surface of your area. This will help to make your experience much more pleasant.

TrekStand: If you're someone who’s all about ergonomics, then you should definitely check out the TrekStand Phone. It’s a foldable sheet that can be used as a stand for your iPhone or iPad. It can also be hung on the seat in front of you so you can look straight ahead and watch your devices comfortably. Link


Headphone Splitter: When traveling with a friend, family member, or partner, you might want to watch the movie together. So, bring a headphone splitter so that the audio will be in sync. This way, you don't have to worry about spoiling the plot for each other. Link


Tissues: Last but not least, don't forget to pack tissues. Having a stuffy nose, nasal drip, or watery eyes on a plane is no fun…Having a few tissues on hand can make a world of difference. Plus, you won't have to bother other passengers for tissues or resort to using rough napkins or even worse…your clothes! 🤣


Disclaimer: I get a small commission for the products listed above. So, if you get 50 friends to purchase it, I'll get a dollar. 💰🤑

What’s your favorite travel accessory to bring on a plane?

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