Save Space When Packing

I just passed my FAA drone certification exam! Be on the lookout for better videos, better images, and more engaging content.

 Luggage space is precious when traveling. Especially for me because I have to bring camera equipment and now drone equipment. Below are some tips that I use to save space. 

Bring a jacket with many pockets: Especially those who like to fly on budget airlines like Spirit or Frontier, you need as much space as possible! Store items like chargers, cables, eyeglasses, and snacks in pockets.  

Wear layers on flight: I look like that kid from the Christmas Story when boarding a plane. On a flight, I wear a jacket, shirt, undershirt, pair of pants, light sweater, scarf, exercise pants, and a hat. Don't be shy. Try it! Once the plane is up in the air, I remove the unwanted layers. I promise that the pilot will not turn the plane around. 

Rollup clothes: I learned this ticket from my friends in the military. Rolling up clothes takes up less space, and the clothes will have fewer wrinkles.

Put items in shoes: Shoes consume luggage space, so use them to store socks, accessories, or anything else. Please put your things in a ziplock bag first for those with smelly feet. 

How do you know if you have smelly feet? If a crowded room suddenly clears out after you take off your shoes, go get that checked out bruh.  

Bring shorts, short-sleeved shirts, and no-show socks: It's shocking how much space long-sleeved shirts and pants take up. Don't bring them to save space. 

Bring laundry detergent: Don't bring 50 clothing items for a 7-day trip. Instead, pack less and bring detergent. Department stores sell individual packets designed for travelers. You'll thank yourself later because you'll be more lightweight and mobile. 

Bring less: I know this sounds obvious but try it once. You'll be surprised how little you need. But, of course, the worst-case scenario is that you can always buy items when you land.


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