How to Get Over Jet Lag 

I'm in Montreal and the weather here is great, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It's so nice that I'm tempted to live here, but then I remember the winters in Canada are brutal. Nope!🥶

A friend just reached out to me asking for tips on how to reduce jet lag. Fortunately, I don’t have jet lag. I’m always this tired! But, here are some tips to help you adjust to a new time zone and reduce the effects of jetlag:

  • Prepare your body - A few days before your flight, try adjusting your sleep schedule so it’s closer to the time zone of your destination. If this isn’t possible, don't worry, just do what you can. There are apps like the Timeshifter app that you can use to get adjusted to jet lag.

  • Stay hydrated - Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight to avoid dehydration, especially if you plan on drinking alcohol or partying. Drinking water lessens the effects of jet lag.

  • Get some sunshine - Exposure to sunlight helps regulate your body's circadian rhythms which reduces the effects of jet flag.

get sunshine
  • Move your body - Exercise can help your body adjust to the new time zone. Consider taking a walk, stretching, or doing some yoga.

  • Avoid caffeine - Not happening. Next step!

  • Avoid alcohol - Not happening. Next step!

  • Both caffeine and alcohol are known to disrupt sleep and can make the effects of jet lag worse. If you can't or don’t want to avoid them, try not to consume them too close to bedtime.

  • Take a nap - A short nap can help you feel refreshed and energized during the day, but try not to nap for too long or too close to bedtime.

  • Give yourself time - It can take a few days to get over jet lag, so be patient with yourself and don't push yourself too much during the first few days of your trip.

  • Use it to your advantage - If you're like me, use your jet lag to your advantage. Take advantage of being up early and explore your destination. Or, if you can't sleep, do some research or work on something productive.

  • Don’t sleep - When you land, stay up until it's nighttime. Fight the body’s urge to fall asleep. If you’re following my plan, you have more than enough productive habits to keep you up.

  • Sleep on the plane during nighttime - Get all the rest you can so when you land, you can hit the ground running.

Go to sleep

Don’t beat yourself up too much and try to be all prepared. Even if you’re fully adjusted, Americans in general don’t have too much time off so enjoy yourself and do it big! 

Remember to take care of your body and enjoy your travels!

And if you're a realist like me, you can only do one or two of the items on the list anyway. 

Good luck and happy traveling!

How do you beat jet lag?

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