Hotel Tips No One Has Taught You

I'm currently writing this on a plane back from Ireland. Talking to the Irish makes me feel like I’m speaking another language. It must be the accent... I love it! If you haven't been, I recommend a visit, especially for my solo travelers. Irish people are so talkative and inviting that you'll never feel alone. AND they also gave me great advice. If only Americans were this friendly and helpful. 

There are some critical tips you should follow when staying in hotels. Not knowing these tips can wreck your vacation. In addition, you may end up bringing back some unwanted souvenirs.😬 Let's dive in!

Check for bed bugs 

Bed bugs are REAL and you don't want to bring them back from your vacation. To spot bed bugs, check the edges of your sheets. If there are tiny specs of blood, the mattress is probably infected, so get a new room or hotel. Also, if you wake up with new and mysterious bite marks, that’s a sign that bed bugs might’ve feasted on you while you slept! GET OUTTA THERE. 

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Don't fully unpack 

Upon arriving at a hotel, some people unpack all their clothes as if they’re home. Don't do this. Instead, keep most of your items in your luggage. With the help of my packing cubes, my luggage becomes the hub for my belongings. When it's time to leave, I can get ready relatively quickly, without forgetting something I put in the closet.

Put your clothes in the shower 

Wrinkles in clothes can ruin selfies and thirst traps. To get rid of wrinkles, hang up your clothes and bring them into the shower. The steam from the shower gets rid of the wrinkles so you can be camera-ready — Always!

Stay away from the minibar 

Those snacks and mini liquor bottles may look tempting at 3 am after you’ve already had a few drinks, but it’s a trap! They are expensive and you WILL be charged, so please stay away from them. Don't even think about them!

People are dirty

Wipe down all the places people would usually touch in a room like doorknobs, remote controls, and toilet handles. I don't even bother to use the coffee maker. How often do you think the coffee maker gets cleaned?! Once upon a traumatic time, I found boogers in the coffee maker and I was never the same again.

Everything is negotiable 

The hotel room is a fixed cost. Therefore, the owner still has to pay for unused rooms. Try negotiating with the owner; you may get a free upgrade, extended stay, or early check-in. Owners want to fill vacant spaces. That’s how I got a free upgrade in Colombia!

Bring long cables 

USB outlets are often located in the weirdest places. So do yourself a favor and get 6' long cables so you're not crouching under a table to charge your phone.

Always join the hotel loyalty club 

Loyalty clubs are free. If you collect enough points, you can get free perks, upgrades, and extended stays. So always sign up for the loyalty program. Don't leave free money on the table…not in this economy! 

Hide your stuff/Don’t be a slob

I've never had my stuff stolen because I have booby traps in my room. But seriously, anyone who enters your room might steal cash that’s just left out. So lock up your stuff and use your luggage as the central hub to store everything. Another reason why you should keep your room in order is so you can quickly spot if something’s missing, which will deter those with a questionable moral compass.

Be careful with some of the appliances 

Irons are helpful, but they can sometimes have unidentified crud on them or get too hot which can damage your clothes. Test the iron on a small area first before ironing everything.

Bring Flip Flops 

Do you think people clean the floors thoroughly?... NAH!  Don’t make it easy for infections to make you their host!  

Trust me, if you took a black light to some of these hotel rooms, you’d be weary of the fluids you’re unknowingly stepping on… 🤢

What hotel tips do you swear by? 

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