Don't Be This Type of Tourist

I'm learning Spanish, so I'm watching more Spanish television to immerse myself in the language. 

Have any recommendations? 

I'm not too fond of Telenovelas. 

I'm currently watching a documentary on El Chapo before I go to bed each night, but I don't think that's great for the psyche. 

Below are some of the type of travelers I see out in the wild: 

Overplanner: Having a plan is excellent, but some people take it too far and plan out every minute. I was traveling with someone, and even bathroom breaks were scheduled. The only thing a schedule like this is good at creating is anxiety. 

Overplanning gives us a false sense of security because many variables are out of our control. In addition, overplanning may result in missed opportunities that randomly occur on a trip.  

The act of planning is essential; just don't go overboard. As Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."

Selfie Fiend: I often watch tourists at a "must see" destination, and they have little interest in where they are. They are more concerned with taking selfies to prove they were there. 

And don't get me wrong, I get it. I'm the first to take a selfie (200 shots minimum) and record videos for Instagram. 

Do you really want to be there? Going to places of little interest is just going to waste time and expend energy. Instead, save your energy for activities that bring joy. 

Side Note: Boyfriends/Husbands - You don't have to deal with the abuse. You have rights too. There are support groups out there. DM me if you need help. 

Local Snob: Some tourists brag that they hang out with locals on their trip and have the best time. However, not all locals are the same. For example, in Paris, a local told me to go to Häagen-Dazs for dessert.  

Most locals get so caught up in the rhythm of life that they are unaware of what's in their city. 

Some people are more fun, curious, and knowledgeable than others. Those are the people to hang out with while traveling. 

Airline Groupie: People often say they only fly on a specific airline. 

Really? That airline costs significantly more and carry-on luggage is not allowed.  

Save your money and only pick the best airline with the right price and features. 

Except...don't fly on Spirit.


The Aimless Wanderer: These people aimlessly wander a city without a plan. It's relaxing, but they often fall victim to tourist traps and miss out on cool things to do that are just a block away. 

What to do instead: Explore with intention. Survey the different areas of a city and pick specific areas to explore. 

What type are you most like?

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